The Struggle to Juggle
As women business owners, we juggle many responsibilities. In my opinion, we have at least two full-time jobs – being a business owner or career woman, and taking care of our loved ones and managing our household.
I don’t know about you all, but even in my mid-50’s, I still struggle to juggle! As the Founder of SHE – Supporting Heart & Enterprise®, I hear about other women’s struggle to juggle. When life happens, we can become overwhelmed. I can attest to this, as since the first of the year, I have had to have oral surgery for dental implants, lost my nearly 14-year old Husky, had to make a last-minute trip to Illinois to see my dear aunt (who is like a mom) near the end of life, take care of my mother-in-law who had back surgery recently, and deal with the emotions of my son graduating from high school and making plans to leave to go to college.
I am sure many of you lovely ladies can relate to similar personal circumstances, which is the “Heart” in SHE. Some women may be more private than others, worried they might be judged if they show their vulnerability. My hope is that SHE members know that life happens and when a member shares, it is because they need the support of a kind, non-judgmental, listening ear.
When these things happen to us, we may not be on our best game, every day. I recently had a bad day and tried to hide it and ended up being a little short (maybe even rude) to someone. After the fact, I was mortified and apologized. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. So, showing someone kindness and grace might be just what they need. But we should also know that having a bad day, doesn't give us a license to be rude.
My husband’s words of wisdom that have been going through my head ever since he said them to me at least a year ago are, “Assume good intent”. When someone does a random act that might be off-putting to us, assume good intent. We may never know what the other person is going through. Lately, I’ve seen this meme come up on my social media feed, “You never know what someone else is going through. Be kind. Always.” I remind myself of this every day.
Here's the takeaway, SHE members are special women who understand this. We have integrity and always want to do the right thing. We are there to support our fellow members who feel comfortable confiding in us, and if someone is having an off day who misses an appointment, or unintentionally says or does something off-putting, we remember to have grace as we never know what they might be going through. Thank you all for embracing the culture of SHE – Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®!

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.
About the author
Beth Boen, SHE Leads Group Founder
Beth Boen has more than 35 years of experience in sales, marketing and customer service. She is an award-winning marketer. She is also a professional trainer and customer experience consultant. Beth loves helping people build long-term, loyal relationships that produce quality connections in their business that lead to lifetime customers and endless referrals. Beth helps people do this through her thoughtful blogs and training curriculum. Members of SHE Leads Group have access to more in-depth business development training through presentations at meetings from Beth, her curriculum, and guest trainers. Learn more about Beth.