What is a business-category-exclusive leads group?
Many leads groups offer "business-category-exclusivity". However, not all groups have the same definition of business-category-exclusivity. There are different variations of this definition. Some groups allow a member to occupy a single business category, and this simply prevents anyone else in the group to talk about that business category. Another take on business-category-exclusivity is a member has a business category (ex. residential realtor) and no one else in the group can join who is a residential realtor. The goal in SHE Leads Group for offering business-category-exclusivity in up to two business categories is to eliminate as much overlap as possible. Let's look at these scenarios more closely.
One example of a group who truly doesn't offer business-category-exclusivity is when there are two businesses doing the same thing, but each focuses on different target markets. For example, if you are a residential realtor, no one else should be in the group who is a residential realtor. Some groups will fracture or dissect these business categories. For example, a group could claim to offer business category exclusivity, but will allow one residential realtor who focuses on investment properties, while allowing another member who is a residential realtor who focuses on homeowner occupied properties. This is not really business-category-exclusivity, as both are residential realtors. Neither one will refer to each other.
Another example of fractured business-category-exclusivity is when someone offers a variety of core services, and they can only pick one of those core services as their business category. A financial planner is not just a financial planner, they also sell life insurance and long-term care insurance. In groups where they fracture these business categories, two financial planners could be allowed in the group - one as the financial planner and one as the insurance person. Neither one will refer to the other.
Another example is a business owner who does branding, graphic design and web design. All three of these services may pull in an equal number of sales for the designer. But, in some groups, the designer can only take one of those business categories, thus allowing in direct competitors. This is fracturing or dissecting of business categories.
In SHE Leads Group, we do not dissect or fracture business categories, nor do we want a direct competitor coming in that conflicts with an existing member's core service. In fact, members get to have a say in new members joining, so if they do see a prospective member as a major conflict or competition, they can voice their objection to the prospective member joining. Furthermore, members can secure two business categories as long as those categories directly relate to each other and/or both are a major portion of their revenue. If a member starts to offer what another member has already paid for and secured as their business category, that member will be reminded to not talk about that product or service offering within the leads group.
In any leads group one joins, there will always be overlap in business categories. If a leads group tried to eliminate 100% of overlap, it would probably have a group of only a half a dozen people and few, if any power partners. What a leads group can do to ensure less conflict, is remind members who overstep and talk about another member's paid business category and let them know they cannot mention that business category.
If you have questions about business-category-exclusivity, please feel free to contact SHE Leads Group.

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.
About the author
Beth Boen, SHE Leads Group Founder
Beth Boen has more than 35 years of experience in sales, marketing and customer service. She is an award-winning marketer. She is also a professional trainer and customer experience consultant. Beth loves helping people build long-term, loyal relationships that produce quality connections in their business that lead to lifetime customers and endless referrals. Beth helps people do this through her thoughtful blogs and training curriculum. Members of SHE Leads Group have access to more in-depth business development training through presentations at meetings from Beth, her curriculum, and guest trainers. Learn more about Beth.