New, exciting leadership positions available within SHE Leads Group
What is SHE Leads Group?
SHE Leads Group is a truly different type of networking and leads group for women in business. Support is at the heart of our culture. SHE is a trademarked acronym for Supporting Heart & Enterprise™. What does that mean to our members and our team? “Heart” is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. “Enterprise” is our business. Supporting Heart & Enterprise™ means we encourage members to be authentic and ask for the support they need in anything – be it our personal or professional life. Let’s face it, if our personal life is having challenges, those challenges can affect our professional life and vice versa.
SHE Leads Group is a place where real businesswomen show up, and they show up as themselves. In SHE Leads Groups, you won’t find women competing and judging each other. You will find women who are REAL…possibly moms, daughters to an aging parent, and former corporate career women turned business owner because they knew there was something more for them. If you are tired of traditional good-old-boys clubs or other restrictive environments that are less than supportive of the important role women play in life and in business, we think you’ll love SHE Leads Group. We believe in collaboration over competition, encouragement over comparison, and authenticity over pretense.
SHE Leads Group offers support for your business AND your life. We offer:
- Home-chapter membership with bi-monthly (twice a month per chapter) leads group meetings (in-person or virtual, depending on individual chapter setup) which are INDUSTRY EXCLUSIVE
- Monthly SHE community-wide virtual networking events
- Quarterly SHE community in-person networking events
- Quarterly virtual workshops
- Online training library of classes accessible to members, Officers and Regional Directors
SHE Leads Group Corporate is headquartered in the Denver Metro region of Colorado in the beautiful city of Littleton, near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Our community has grown to nine chapters, both in-person and virtual, around the Denver metro area. Women are recognizing the power of a group that uniquely supports their needs and lives and are requesting their own chapters across the state of Colorado and across the United States! YOU can be in on the excitement of this expansion!
Why be a SHE Leader?
When we say SHE is different than other leads groups, we are serious. In addition to the differences all our members enjoy, our Leadership Team is also different than other groups you may have heard about or even been involved with. To be supportive of our Regional Directors, Chapter Presidents, and Chapter Secretaries, we have a system that requires far less time than other leads and networking groups require of their team, along with more support.
SHE Leads Group knows your business is your top priority, as it should be. Serving on the SHE Leads Group team should help you grow your business, not take up all your time. We want to give our leaders support by providing you with well-designed and structured operating guidelines that are easy to implement, and training ideas and assistance to help you support your chapter while providing increased visibility for you and your business. If you are a natural connector, or want to be known as a connector, this is an excellent opportunity for you.
Leadership positions help keep you top of mind! Be seen as the "go-to" for information and/or connections.
The following opportunities are independent contractor openings. All opportunities allow you to fully honor your business first, and we do this by requiring FAR LESS TIME than many other organizations allow.
Regional Directors - If you are a great networker and/or already have a large sphere of influence and connections, you can start new chapters in a designated region. You'll be able to bring on Chapter Presidents and Chapter Secretaries to help at each chapter in your region. Applications are being taken for Regional Directors anywhere in the United States. Regional Directors receive many perks including a generous commission on new and renewing memberships, a free Corporate Membership of their own in any chapter they form in their region, opportunities for advancement, and so much more Click here to learn more and apply.
Chapter Presidents - applications are being taken (Receives a FREE Corporate Membership). Click here to learn more and apply.
Chapter Secretaries - applications are being taken in our current Colorado Region (Receives a half-price Basic Membership). Click here to learn more and apply.
So Much Value in My Membership
When I joined, SHE Leads Group, I wanted to be a part of a community of women in business. What I've gotten is so much more. I have made such important connections with other women who support my business, and whose business I support, AND I also have made beautiful and rich friendships. SHE Leads is a purposeful group that allows members to grow and improve together. Because I found so much value in my membership, I approached the founder, Beth Boen to ask her if I could start a new chapter in Arvada. I look forward to continued growth with SHE Leads.

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.