Member Recruitment & Inviting Guests Policy
Purpose: To ensure guests attend regularly; to ensure guests are not in conflict with other members.
Scope: To be applied to all guests.
Responsible Persons: Founder/Owner, Regional Directors, Chapter President and Secretaries and Members
Policy: Everyone in the SHE Leads Group organization should always strive to invite guests to meetings and events. Guests should be asked to use the registration form for the chapter they wish to visit and/or event they wish to attend. On the form they are asked if a SHE member referred them.
A guest should never compete with an existing member. When in doubt, check with the chapter’s member(s) that may be in potential competition with potential guest.
Guest/Member eligibility requirements are as follow:
- Guest’s business category cannot already be filled by another member.
- The business the guest will be representing cannot be part of a Multi-level Marketing (MLM) or Direct
- Sales company considered to be a network marketing company by SHE Leads Group.
How to invite guests and promote your chapter:
- There is a resource folder for all members that can be accessed through the Member's Area of the website. It includes:
- Guest Training
- Social media graphics and posts to use
- The SHE one-sheet electronic flyer
- Comparison chart flyer
Follow Up with Guests:
- All members, especially those who would be power partners with the guest should reach out to do a networking meeting to make guests feel welcome and included.
- Chapter President is to follow up with every guest in a timely manner and offer a networking meeting. SHE Leads Group believes a timely manner would be within 2 business days. Follow up can be in the form of an email and include information on finding out if the guest had any questions, inviting them to do a networking meeting, informing them of the next meeting and what to do to join. Chapter President will also send guest information to SHE Leads Group. To be input into the SHE Leads Group CRM system.
- Chapter Secretary is to include guests on the email notes distribution, and she should reach out to guest for a networking meeting.
- Regional Director is to follow up with every guest in a timely manner. SHE Leads Group believes a timely manner would be within 2 business days. Follow up can be in the form of an email and include information on finding out if the guest had any questions, inviting them to do a networking meeting, informing them of the next meeting and what to do to join.

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.