Membership Dues Policy
Purpose: To ensure the costs of running SHE Leads Group are covered. To ensure members are committed to the group.
Scope: To be applied to all members.
Responsible Persons: Group Founder for collecting membership dues and enforcing dues. Members for contributing dues.
Policy: All members and guests will be required to pay a fee for membership and attending meetings.
The following payment methods are accepted:
- When a guest’s business category is not already taken by a member, guests can attend a chapter’s meetings two times free of charge. After two free visits to a SHE Leads Group chapter, guests can continue to visit for $25 per visit. They will not receive business category exclusivity, and the business category will remain open.
- Membership fees are based on the level of membership one selects based on the benefits they wish to receive.
- All fees are non-refundable. If a member fails to follow or meet all the membership requirements, terms and conditions, policies and procedures, or does not uphold the culture, that member's membership will be revoked, and paid membership dues are non-refundable. Member can be asked to leave and will not receive a refund. For in-person leads groups, if a meeting location change is necessary due to loss of a free location, SHE Leads Group and its members will try to find another nearby (within 5 miles) meeting location at no charge. If a free meeting location cannot be found, the group will decide whether to pay additional for a paid meeting space, move their chapter to a virtual format, or move their individual memberships to another chapter that does not have their business category occupied. No refunds are given for loss of meeting space. Meetings are run by the members of the group. In the event the Chapter President resigns, the Chapter Secretary will be asked to run the meetings until a new Chapter President can be installed. If the Chapter Secretary is unable to run the meetings, members of that chapter will be asked to step up and run the meetings until the officer positions can be filled. A chapter that does not grow due to lack of members inviting guests and a chapter closes due to limited membership, no refunds will be given. No refunds will be given under these and any other circumstances.
- As a thank you, certain volunteer chapter positions receive a discounted to free membership during the time in which they occupy their volunteer position. A registration fee is still charged. SHE Leads Group Founder, Regional Director, and Chapter President must approve all volunteers to ensure the right candidate is placed in the right volunteer position.
- Meeting room donors receive a free Basic Membership for the duration of the donation of the free meeting room.
- Approved in-kind donations or trades from members providing services for which SHE Leads Group would otherwise have to pay. These in-kind donations or trades will be approved by SHE Leads Group Founder. The value of their donation will be applied to full-price membership dues (month-to-month price). If a member does not uphold membership requirements and is asked to leave, there will be no refund or reimbursement of the in-kind donation. If a member who has donated something in-kind decides to leave prior to when their donation would be made whole, they forfeit the remaining amount.
Membership dues must be paid current to meet member eligibility. See the policy on asking a member to leave.
Membership is capped at two chapters per member. A member cannot be in more than two chapters of SHE Leads Groups.
Auto Monthly Payments
Cancellation of Recurring Monthly Payments: At SHE Leads Group, we value our members and aim to provide a seamless experience. However, we understand that circumstances may change. This policy outlines the procedure for canceling recurring monthly payments.
How to Cancel
You can cancel your recurring monthly payment at any time by following these steps:
- Submit a Written Cancellation Request:
Send an email to with the subject line "Cancellation Request." Include your full name, business name, chapter you are cancelling membership, and the reason for cancellation (optional). - Provide Notice:
Requests must be submitted at least 7 days prior to your next billing date to ensure timely processing. Cancellation requests received within 7 days of the next billing date may result in one final charge. - Receive Confirmation:
You will receive an email confirmation once your cancellation has been processed. If you do not receive a confirmation within 3 business days, please contact us at - Important Notes:
Cancellations are effective at the end of the current billing cycle. No refunds or prorated adjustments will be made for partial months. Access to member benefits will continue until the end of the billing cycle in which the cancellation becomes effective. If you rejoin after cancellation, a new membership application is required.
Transfer Fee
Members are able to transfer their membership from one chapter to another when they are in good standing, their business category is open in the chapter they wish to transfer, and the membership of the transfer chapter approves. There is a $50 administrative fee to transfer membership. A transfer application is required.

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.