Leads Group Eligibility
Is SHE Right for You?
All interested persons desiring to join SHE Leads Group must fill out and submit the online application form after meeting the eligibility requirements below. Applications are not accepted on a first-come/first-served basis.
Our Vetting Process
SHE is looking for serious-minded, established, professional businesswomen who will meet the following requirements:
- Prospective member business category cannot already be filled by another member. Click on the chapter you are interested in joining and review what categories current members already occupy.
- The business category(s) prospective member wishes to occupy must be representative of their primary business function(s). A maximum of two business categories is given to Enterprise Members only. See our policy on Business-Category-Exclusivity.
- Prior to submitting an application, the prospective member must either:
- Visit the chapter they wish to join at least one time (with a member referral)
- Visit the chapter they wish to join two times (without a member referral).
- Have one-on-ones with your prospective referral partner(s) and with the Chapter President.
- If two individuals want the same business category, the Regional Director and/or Founder may require a 1:1.
During this visiting period, you are making an impression on current members, so be on time and be prepared to present a commercial. Existing members of chapters weigh-in on applications of new prospective members.
- Prospective member has made an effort to have one-on-ones with the Chapter President and any existing members who might be a power partner. (Ex. A marketing copywriter wants to join. She would want to make sure she has done a one-on-one with the graphic/web designer and/or marketing/business consultant of the chapter.)
- Prospective member must be able to abide by the attendance policy on an ongoing basis.
Since we only meet twice a month, excessive absence will result in forfeiture of your category spot. Excessive absence is defined as two unexcused absences in a three-month period, three excused absences in a three-month period, or two excused absences and one unexcused absence in a three-month period. The member’s business category(s) officially opens up when any of these are met and the membership fee is non-refundable. An excused absence is one which cannot be avoided or has been communicated prior to the meeting to the Chapter President. (See our full Attendance Policy).
Habitual tardiness is not permitted and can be cause for denying an application. - The business the applicant will be representing in the chapter cannot be part of a Multi-level Marketing (MLM) or Direct Sales company.
- Prospective member must exemplify the reputation of a SHE Leads Group member having exceptional customer service, while providing a top-quality product/service at a fair price. Applicant's business must have the proper marketing materials to be seen as a credible business (ex. website, business card, LinkedIn or other social media business profile) Customer service evaluation on applicants includes, but is not limited to:
- Being on time to meetings - being habitually tardy during the interview process is grounds for denying the application. Applicant should be engaged and actively listening during meetings.
- Good phone, email, voice mail and text etiquette - a minimum standard of the following will be evaluated during the interview process:
- Applicant has a professional signature to their emails and uses greetings and signoffs.
- Applicant has a professional voice mail greeting on any phone number listed for their business that includes their name and business name. Applicant will have voice mail in which messages can be left and does not have full voice mail box.
- Applicant will be responsive to emails, voice mails and texts of the chapter's membership and Founder. Unresponsive applicants may be denied membership, as that can be an indication of how they could respond to referrals given. A prospective referral partner should receive the same customer service a prospective customer receives.
- Professionalism and good manners.
- Prospective member and the business joining must be in business at least one year. Businesses will be checked to be registered with the Secretary of State in good standing. Some exceptions are made to this eligibility requirement if the individual is well-connected, networks in other groups regularly, and has the experience required to be an expert in their business. For those who do not yet qualify, we offer a SHE Connects Networking Membership.
- Prospective member must have more than one year of industry experience, be employed for more than one full year with the company joining, and actively network in the area of their chapter. Additionally, if a business category requires licensure, (example: mortgage, insurance, financial advisor, etc.), member must be licensed to have that business category. Member should be fully committed in a business development role for their company. Member must work in/on their business full-time.
- Prospective member must be willing to refer and/or invite guests that they know and who may be a good fit for SHE Leads Group and be active in networking. Members cannot be in leadership positions in other networking groups that require them to invite and build the other group.
- Prospective member must read and agree to all the SHE Leads Group Terms and Conditions.
- Prospective member company and/or company representative must not have a negative online presence. Negative online reviews, poor BBB rating or complaints registered with the BBB will disqualify applicant.
- Prospective member must not be in a leadership or officer position in another referral or networking group that SHE Leads Group views as a conflict of interest. Prospective member cannot be in more than one other leads/referral group. If a member joins SHE Leads Group and later joins other leads groups that exceed the maximum allowed or takes on a leadership position in another conflicting leads group, then the member can be dismissed, and no refund is provided.
- Prospective member should live, work and/or network in the area of the leads chapter they are applying. Exceptions may be made when no other qualified applicants exist.
- When an applicant is accepted, she will pay the membership and registration fees in a timely manner. See Membership Dues Policy
Membership is capped at two chapters per member. A member cannot be in more than two chapters of SHE Leads Groups.
Members wishing to transfer membership will be charged a $50 transfer fee and must go through the same vetting and eligibility requirements as if they were a new member applying.
All eligibility requirements must have been met before submitting an online application.
Submitting an application does not guarantee membership into the chapter in which you are applying. Applications (less the personal information and Fun Factoids) is shared with the existing membership of a chapter to weigh in on each new member. Members are given a 2-day time frame to confidentially voice any concerns with an applicant joining.
If an application is not accepted it is usually because eligibility requirements have not been met. An applicant can continue to attend at a $25 per meeting fee (limit of 4 meetings) at which time their application can be reconsidered.
Member Since 2016
I have been a member of SHE Leads Group since 2016. It has been a fantastic way for me to grow my business and my network with other women business owners. I have gained clients and friends through this group. Beth Boen has created a true culture of support for each other while focused on growing successful businesses. I highly recommend this group.
True People Connector
Beth Boen is an amazing leader that is full of ideas, knowledge, and a true people connector! She always brings something new to the table! Thank you for being such a beautiful person Beth and helping Career Transformations grow! You inspire me!

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.