There are many different leads group organizations out there. You have to find the right one for you. SHE Leads Group is not like other typical leads groups. Our founder was a part of other organizations’ leads groups and everything she didn’t like about them, she tried doing the opposite. We only have twice a month meetings to honor women’s especially busy schedules, we have low-cost, high-value memberships, we do not have eating meetings in restaurants, we limit each chapter to no more than 20 women so that you can have enough commercial time and be in and out of your meeting in 1-hour, 15-minutes, we offer valuable business and professional development training by experts – training that will benefit members in their business, we don’t allow network marketing/MLM’s or start-ups in our leads groups, we vet every member based on the person and business they represent, not on if they can simply pay the dues, we allow members to occupy more than one business category, and there are many other ways we are different. You can learn more here.
SHE Leads Group FAQ's
SHE Leads Group welcomes your questions. If you don't find the answer for what you are looking for on our website, please feel free to email us or call 303-981-1541.
How is SHE Different FAQ's
Is this like other typical leads group or a chamber of commerce leads group?
Does SHE Leads Group give back to the community?
Absolutely! We don’t just talk the talk of being an organization of women supporting women, we actually back our words up with action. On any given day in Denver there are on average 1200 women who are homeless or displaced because of domestic violence. The annual SHE Leads Purse Project collects 500+ gently used purses filled with personal care and hygiene items and delivers them to homeless shelters in Denver metro. In addition to this project, SHE Leads Group supports non-profits in other ways. You can learn more about our community involvement here.
What is the SHE Leads Group mission and culture?
SHE is a trademarked acronym for Supporting Heart & Enterprise™. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Our mission is to empower women in business to be more successful by supporting them in any way possible and equipping them with knowledge to grow their business and making quality connections that develop into long-term, lasting referral relationships. Our culture is women supporting women in any way possible. You can read more about our mission and culture here.
How does SHE Leads Group support women?
We do this in a variety of ways. To our members, we are committed to a culture that is supportive by having a no-gossip policy, no cliques, and being inviting and welcoming to all. SHE is a trademarked acronym for Supporting Heart & Enterprise™. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. We also support women through our community service which you can learn more about here.
We are committed to a culture that is supportive by having a no-gossip policy, no cliques, and being inviting and welcoming to all. SHE is a trademarked acronym for Supporting Heart & Enterprise®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. You can learn more about our culture here.
What is the difference between leads groups and networking groups?
A leads group is referral group. Leads groups are designed to have business-category-exclusivity in each chapter. Networking groups or events do not. Leads groups have a structure, agenda, regular schedule, and attendance requirements. Networking events are typically less structured and offer pick and choose events. SHE Leads Group offers both with one membership fee! Or women can attend networking events a la carte.
Start-ups who are just getting started and have no marketing presence or business registration are not eligible to join a SHE Leads Group chapter but can purchase a SHE Connects Networking Membership. If the individual with a start-up has a website and marketing presence, and their business is registered in good standing, then depending on industry experience and the individual's involvement in networking, a start-up less than 1 year old may be allowed to join. They are welcome to attend two meetings as guests, as long as their business category is not represented in the chapter in which they wish to visit. They may also request to be added to the SHE Leads Group special business development training events and programs email list. When their business is no longer in start-up mode, they can submit an application to join.
Why don't you allow MLM's/networking marketing/direct sales businesses into SHE Leads Group?
Many women do quite well in their MLM or direct sales business. MLM’s and direct sales are a great opportunity for many women. Typically, these types of businesses do not align with our membership base who have started a business from the ground up, work full-time in their jobs, and are out actively networking in the community on a regular basis. SHE Leads Group does offer events in which these businesses can benefit from the business development training and networking opportunity. These women can ask to be added to our special training event programs email list.
Membership FAQ's
What are the member benefits of being in a SHE Leads Group?
SHE Leads Group offers many member benefits you will not find in other leads and networking groups. Our high-value benefits set us apart from other organizations. Our members can attend a variety of networking events in addition to their leads group. In addition to the great networking opportunities, every event is coupled with a valuable business or professional development training. There are marketing opportunities for members that include a web page on the highly search engine optimized SHE Leads Group website, social media marketing posts, and promotion in email newsletters to members and non-members. Members also have the opportunity to be sponsors of our larger events where they can give a three-minute commercial to those in attendance, have a promotion table and be highlighted on our event sign-up page. For a full list of member benefits click here.
How much is a SHE Leads Group membership?
SHE Leads Group memberships are high-value - not high-priced. Unlike other leads groups, we offer three different levels of membership with both a discounted annual paid in advance price or a month-to-month price. You can see more about our member benefits and levels here. Our leads group meetings have valuable training and activities.
Is there an application fee to join SHE Leads Group?
Most networking leads groups will have a membership application or registration fee ranging as high as $350. Many charge that fee regardless of application acceptance. Our registration fee is only charged once your membership application has been accepted. It includes member orientation training, assistance with your website page profile, assistance with identifying your power partners, and assistance with writing a third-person commercial to both prospective clients and power partners. It also includes three master classes on how to be successful in a leads group. Master classes are How to Deliver WOW Customer Service, Mastering Referral Marketing and How to Write Your DIY Marketing Plan. If you decide to join a second chapter, there is not a second registration fee. Click here to learn more about our membership pricing.
What is your attendance policy – do I need a substitute when I cannot make it?
We have a “for when life happens” attendance policy. You need not send a substitute unless you want to. Since we only meet twice a month, we encourage members to have the best attendance they can, and no more than two excused absences in a rolling three-month period. You can read our full attendance policy here.
What are the member eligibility requirements to join SHE Leads Group?
We do not accept applications on a first-come/first-served basis. We are looking for the right women to join who will uphold our culture of women supporting women. Members are well-established, many own their own business or are in a business development role for a reputable, established company, they are well connected and have a network they can share. The business they represent does not have a negative online presence, nor a poor rating with the BBB. For a full list of eligibility requirements, click here.
No, we do not track leads or have lead quotas. The founder of SHE Leads Group was active in several leads groups for many years prior to starting SHE Leads Group. She found that in those groups where there were lead quotas and lead tracking, she received many bogus leads. Our members are in SHE Leads Group not just for leads, but for the valuable training, other networking events, and the culture of support for one another.
Do you vet members or just let anyone who can pay the dues join?
We do not accept applications first-come/first-served. We are looking for the right woman who will uphold our culture and offers a top-quality product or service while providing exceptional customer service. You can learn more about our eligibility requirements here. Every applicant is looked up on the Secretary of State website to make sure their business has been registered for one full year. Additionally, a Google search for online reviews is conducted to ensure the business does not have a bad online reputation.
Is there business-category-exclusivity in your leads groups?
Yes, like most leads groups, business-category-exclusivity is observed. Unlike other leads groups, we do not fracture or dissect the business categories. Corporate members are allowed to protect up to two business categories. You can read our full policy on business-category-exclusivity here.
How do I find out if my business category is open in one of your leads groups?
Under the main navigation "Leads Group Chapters", please visit the chapter page you are interested in visiting and look through the member directory. You can also contact the chapter president or contact us to see if your business category is filled.
Where are SHE Leads Group chapters located?
We are in the process of expanding across the United States. We have eight chapters in the metro Denver, Colorado region, three chapters in the metro Charleston, South Carolina region, and two virtual, Coast-to-Coast chapters. Click on the main navigation "Leads Group Chapters" to see where all are chapters are located. If you would like to inquire about starting a chapter in your area, please contact us.
How do I join/apply to be in a SHE Leads Group?
After visiting at least once and meeting the eligibility requirements, you can apply online here. Allow yourself 20 minutes to fill out our online application. If you run out of time, you can click the “Save” button and submit your email to receive a link to come back later and finish your application.
What is my time investment in a SHE Leads Group?
We ask that members attend a 1-hour, 15-minute meeting twice a month. We highly encourage members doing 1:1’s with each other on the weeks they do not have a meeting. There are no required “volunteer” (volun-told) hours. There are optional networking events that are also included in membership. As with any networking or leads group, you do need to participate to be top of mind with your fellow members.
Are there mandatory volunteer roles in each SHE Leads Group?
In SHE Leads Group, you will never be Volun-told! Volunteering is not mandatory. If it was mandatory, it really isn’t volunteering. Certain volunteer chapter roles are thanked with discounted to free memberships based on the roles. You can read more about those positions here.
Am I required to invite guests to SHE Leads Group?
Part of eligibility requirements are that members should be willing to promote and invite guests to SHE Leads Group – be it their chapter or another chapter. We simply ask that when you are talking to other women who do not know where to network, or may express their dissatisfaction in other networking events, that you tell them about SHE Leads Group and everything it has to offer.
Can I be in another leads group?
Yes, you can be in another leads or networking group and be in SHE Leads Group, as long as you are not in a leadership or officer role in the other group that SHE Leads Group considers a conflict.
Can members of one SHE Leads Group chapter visit other chapters?
A member whose business category is not represented in another chapter can visit those chapters as often as she wishes. We allow this to promote members doing business with other members across chapters, not just within their own chapter. It builds and fosters great relationships within the entire SHE community.
Why don't you allow MLM's/networking marketing/direct sales businesses into SHE Leads Group?
Many women do quite well in their MLM or direct sales business. MLM’s and direct sales are a great opportunity for many women. Typically, these types of businesses do not align with our membership base who have started a business from the ground up, work full-time in their jobs, and are out actively networking in the community on a regular basis. SHE Leads Group does offer events in which these businesses can benefit from the business development training and networking opportunity. These women can ask to be added to our special training event programs email list.
Start-ups who are just getting started and have no marketing presence or business registration are not eligible to join. If the individual with a start-up has a website and marketing presence, and their business is registered in good standing, then depending on industry experience and the individuals involvement in networking, a start-up less than 1 year old may be allowed to join. They are welcome to attend two meetings as guests, as long as their business category is not represented in the chapter in which they wish to visit. They may also request to be added to the SHE Leads Group special business development training events and programs email list. When their business is no longer in start-up mode, they can submit an application to join.
What do you consider a start-up business?
SHE Leads Group considers a start-up business to be one in which the business has not yet been registered with the Secretary of State for one full year. Some exceptions may apply. Read more here.
Can I start up my own SHE Leads Group chapter? What does that involve?
Yes, we are always happy to help you start up a new chapter of SHE Leads Group. We have two requirements for chapter presidents 1) You meet all our eligibility requirements and 2) You have a network of women you can invite into your chapter. This is a great opportunity for women in which their business category is usually taken in most other leads organizations. Information on the ideal candidates to start a chapter can be found here. After reading this page, please contact us, if you think you are a good fit for running a SHE Leads Group chapter. In addition to that, we are also looking for a chapter host with a meeting room. Meeting room hosts receive a free Premium membership into SHE Leads Group.
Leads Group Meeting & Event FAQ's
When are SHE Leads Group Meetings?
Each chapter of SHE Leads Group meets only twice a month to honor women’s busy schedules. The dates depend on the chapter you are interested in joining. Most chapter start times are after school start times so those businesswomen who drop their children off at school may do so. Click here for all-events schedule.
How do I visit a SHE Leads Group chapter?
Once you have figured out which group(s) you want to visit, we encourage you to register in case there is a change in the meeting location. Every day is a guest day. We do not have just certain days as guest days. We only ask that you check the web page directory for the chapter you wish to visit to make sure there is not a member in your business category. Every chapter’s page lists all its current members and who the chapter president is. You can also contact the chapter president to see if your business category is filled.
Is there a cost to visit a SHE Leads Group meeting as a guest?
Your first two leads group meetings at any chapter are free to attend. We never want you to feel pressured into buying a membership. We want you to visit all the groups that have your business category open and then let you decide which chapter is right for you. We allow guests to visit up to two meetings per chapter at no charge and then we will ask them to make a decision to join or pay a per meeting price of $25.
Are your leads group meetings in person or virtual?
The pandemic taught us that there was an entire underserved market of business owners who wanted virtual meetings to save drive time, fuel, and reduce their carbon footprint. Most of our chapters are in person, but we do have several chapters that are virtual. We do not offer hybrid meetings, as we found it was really difficult to connect those on a virtual platform to those in-person. For a complete list of meetings, meeting types, locations, dates and times click here.
How often do your leads groups meet? Is it every week?
To honor women’s busy schedules, we meet twice a month, not every week. We have found that this allows our busy, successful members to have the time to do 1:1 networking meetings with fellow members on the off weeks.
What is the agenda of a leads group meeting?
Our meetings will always start and end on time. The set meeting time is 1-hour, 15-minutes. Our agenda can be found here.
How long are the leads group meetings?
All our leads group meetings start and end promptly at their stated times. The leads group meetings are 1-hour, 15-minutes.
How many leads group chapters do you have?
SHE Leads Group grows when there is a need to add a new chapter. We have a wide variety of chapters in the Colorado and Denver Metro region, and in the metro Charleston, South Carolina region. Click here for our current leads group chapters.
Where are SHE Leads Group meetings held?
SHE Leads Group does not believe in the added cost and distraction of eating meetings in restaurants. Because we work on our businesses at each meeting and receive valuable business development training, we meet in venues where we can have access to a conference room - preferably with it's own AV equipment. SHE Leads Group is usually able to get businesses to provide us with free conference room access for the added exposure their business receives. As a thank you to our host, we offer a free Basic membership into that chapter.
Do your leads groups meet in restaurants?
No. We know many networking and leads groups meet in noisy restaurants and this adds another layer of cost to one’s membership. We will always try to get a free meeting space for our meetings that have AV access for presentations and where there is not the distraction of a loud restaurant and a server coming and going taking orders, etc.
What other networking events does SHE Leads Group offer?
We're more than a leads group. In addition to our leads groups, we have virtual business-category-exclusive speed networking, all-chapter/all-guest meetings, SHE Leads Purse Project events, and Next Level Training events. Click here to learn more.
How much do other events cost?
Members have free access to our regular networking events.
We have events outside of our leads groups. We have virtual business-category-exclusive speed networking event monthly on the 2nd Monday of every month from 1-2 p.m. MT. The cost to attend this event is $15 for non-members and free to SHE Members.
We also have all-chapter/all-guest events that typically have a expert guest trainer and are $50 to non-members (early bird discounts are available) and $25 to Basic level SHE Members and free to Premium and Corporate level SHE Members.
Twice a year we have our SHE Leads Purse Project events – one that is our kick-off event and one that is our wrap-up/celebration event. We get about 100 women registered for these events. There is no cost to attend this event with a donation to the SHE Leads Purse Project.
Several times a year, SHE Leads Group will provide Next Level Training events that are a workshop format with expert trainers. These events are $100 to non-members (early bird discounts are available) and are included in membership for SHE Members.
What is the difference between a B2B and B2C group?
B2B stands for business to business. B2C stands for business to consumer. B2B chapters have only businesses marketing to other businesses. Our other chapters that are not designated B2B have a mix of both B2C and B2B.
Unique & Exceptional Networking Environment
Having participated in various networking groups over the past two decades, I've found them to vary in their impact and similarity. My experience with She Leads stands apart. The caliber of professionals drawn by Beth and the deliberate intention behind each event or gathering are notably distinctive. For those seeking a unique and exceptional networking environment, I strongly encourage visiting and observing firsthand the remarkable quality of professionals who attend this group.
SHE Leads Group
Headquarters in Metro Denver, Colorado
Opening hours
Monday 8:30am-3pm MT
Tuesday 8:30am-3pm MT
Wednesday 8:30am-3pm MT
Thursday 8:30am-3pm MT
Friday 8:30am-3pm MT

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.