Laura Widhalm
Owner, Widhalm Bookkeeping

Laura Widhalm is the owner of Widhalm Bookkeeping in Parker, CO. Laura offers professional bookkeeping services virtually to clients across the United States. She opened Widhalm Bookkeeping in January of 2022 after many months of researching how she could help people with their finances while being able to homeschool her daughters at the same time. She went right to work becoming certified in bookkeeping through Bookkeeper Launch and has attended many QuickBooks Online trainings.
Laura absolutely loves her job! She loves learning about each individual business she works with and the owners behind those businesses. She loves helping her clients by allowing them to focus on the operations of their business while she takes care of the financial organization that happens behind the scenes.
Ideal Client
Business owners that are truly invested in their business. Laura loves working with solopreneurs, specifically service-based businesses that are woman led. She also enjoys working with wife and husband teams that are building a business together.
Business Power Partners
Certified Public Accountants
Small Business Owners
Contact Info
Located in Parker, CO.

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.